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Main Area and Open Discussion > General Software Discussion

Magix (Xara) rant...

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In Xara the term Extrude is a short form of Extra Rude.
So, for example, one click on the extrude-tool icon and the program
pops up a requester bearing an insult and then draws a vector image
on your screen representing a vulgar gesture. (What's really
impressive about this is the speed with which it can insult you!)-cranioscopical (March 29, 2008, 06:01 PM)
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thanks for the clarification there cranioscopical ;D

I was wondering in which thread to post this little info, because there are so many, but I guess for some of you the rant section will do just fine...

All new Magix Digital Photo Maker 8 Download Version has been launched

25% rebate valid until 15 July 2008. The Scandinavian asking prices matches $40

... some of the features:

» Quick optimization
Improve entire pictures with just one click (e.g. color, focus, etc.)

» Improved search
Perfect overview with individual categories, find similar with Fraunhofer® PhotoID™

» Recognize people
Recognize and assign faces automatically with Fraunhofer® FaceID™

» Protect automatically
Backups, password protection and many burn functions protect your photos
--- End quote ---

Magix (Xara) rant...


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