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Does it make sense to disable the windows swap file?

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i just noticed that prolonged usage with Microsoft Office throws up an "low memory error" but Windows doesn't actually crashes. maybe it has something with 'undo' buffer.-lanux128 (July 13, 2008, 07:51 PM)
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Interesting! Which version of Office, how much memory? Does your total available memory drop way low, what is Office's memory consumption like, etc.?

i'm using Office 2007 with 2GB of RAM. i hadn't thought of firing up Process Explorer to monitor the mem usage but normally Office is quite light-footed on this dual-core 2GB system.

When I disabled my pagefile from this thread, I didn't notice any speed difference with my computer. Which is a cool thing.

But shortly after I disabled it, I started getting out of memory errors in Internet Explorer on Google related pages (Google Reader, iGoogle, Gmail, etc.). I also installed a VM with Vista so I enabled the pagefile again to allow the VistaVM to run with more memory.

Since enabling my pagefile again, the out of memory issues for Google sites in IE still happen (which I think means they're unrelated), I've gotten one pagefile related BSOD and also my computer just seems slower because I really notice when it has to restore the paged memory from the hdd. :(

How much RAM do you have?
I wouldn't do this If I had less than 2 GB Ram

How much RAM do you have?
I wouldn't do this If I had less than 2 GB Ram
-masu (August 16, 2008, 12:06 PM)
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2GB in XP Pro SP3


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