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Firefox 3 annoyance: Keying-in disabled in file upload control

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Not convinced this is a big issue - previously you could click on the field and then paste, now you click the field and a file requester opens - but you can still paste the full path of the file you want to upload into the requester (works for me anyway)..
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ok well that definitely mitigates it down from a showstopper to a minor inconvenience for me.  i still don't like the change but it it does indeed help security i can live with that.  someone will probably come up with a nice plugin to make it act like before anyway.

i still don't like the change but if it does indeed help security i can live with that
-mouser (July 04, 2008, 10:51 AM)
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I don't think it's the right attitude to give security as an excuse for cripling software, that should be a last-resource option.
Personaly, i really can't understand why they've done that, and seriously hope Opera doesn't choose to do the same :(

If it's the name of security, at least they could give some explanation of the real possibilities of taking advantage of a possible exploit, this is not the first time that the Mozilla team decides to alter features that come as defaults in the rest of the browsers without giving a proper explanation and/or (what's it's worse) documenting it. While it's nothing that the majority of the users are going to miss, but in a way they're going against stablished standards just for a perceived increase in security.

<insert rant of angry Opera users for removing file extensions in the cache for the new version and access to the shell, without a mention in the changelog>

Personaly, i really can't understand why they've done that, and seriously hope Opera doesn't choose to do the same :(
-jgpaiva (July 04, 2008, 11:36 AM)
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Ssssh! Don't give ideas! ;)

I have been getting annoyed by this new change as well. I upload stuff to often and the first time I tried to enter (paste) a file path into the text field w/FF3, it gave me a file dialog box. I thought it was a problem on the MediaFire site.

I don't mind most things that may give a little bump to security, but if your going to do that then make the textboxes that the browser "blocks" into buttons or something... that's like baiting a fish. Except here, I am the fish. And its pissing me off! >:(

Just cancel the file dialog box and then you can paste the text.
It worked for me anyway.
I think it's an automatic thing, so you don't go putting something in there you don't want to.
But that's just my opinion.


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