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Evernote Icon - what the heck is it? Anyone actually like version 3 ?

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Paul Keith:
Wait for it, recession hasn't fully arrived yet. THEN the time for kissing up to customers will truly judge how happy they will be.  :P

(I know. Bad joke. Couldn't resist though.)

Carol Haynes:
Personally I don't use Evernote any more. I hated the new client and I haven't been back to look again.

Still haven't really found a solution but I do have MS OneNote installed - not that I use it much.

Paul Keith:
If you don't feel my question is hijacking this thread too much Carol, I'd like to know what you feel was the key to getting you into Evernote in the first place.

I know Evernote had lots of templates that extended it further than it's original design was and you seem to be the type that would be using it to it's fullest potential based on what I've read of some of your posts but you're also someone that has constantly rallied on the ribbon so I'm curious as to what quirks EverNote did that really did it for you.

Carol Haynes:
I just really like the version 2.2 client and particularly the indexing of handwritten notes.

I also have OneNote 2007 installed... but don't use it... ever! Should take a look. Also to note, UltraRecall will be 62% off (applies to both editions) at BitsduJour on Wednesday, 28 January. Will look at that as well.

Given that I have three "seats" for OneNote, I should really be looking there first, though...


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