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Evernote Icon - what the heck is it? Anyone actually like version 3 ?
Thanks, Jim :) That's disappointing as the formatting in Evernote 2.2 works very well, as far as I can tell. I actually came to Evernote because development of NetSnippets ceased, for reasons I've never understood. I keep thinking about InfoQube as well... Like you, I've never immersed myself in it and am not comfortable with it, yet. I'm on Firefox 3 as my default browser now, so should really look at... the name is gone! It's a free plug-in that doubles as a bibliographic tool. I *think* it will clip web pages as well. My main interest in web clippings is to archive receipts and other transactions until confirmation e-mails are sent. Zotero - I remembered! Right, off to take a look now...
Well speaking only on my personal opinion, if you haven't tried Evernote 3 yet, then I'd suggest giving up on any kind of import options. They're just two vastly different apps that I have a growing suspicion the developers only used the Evernote name so they could get part of the fanbase' of the brand as well as explain away why they are giving up on the previous model. (cause really they have no good reason other than purely abandoning it)
EverNote 3 is just so far from EverNote 2 that the team is quicker at adding options at getting people using Google Notebooks to use EN 3 than trying to grab the old market of EN 2.
-Paul Keith (January 26, 2009, 10:39 PM)
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It's the same CEO, and this is definitely his plan. He is purposely going after those new customers and not the old Evernote users. It's the money, of course. There was really no more money to be made from the relatively few of us who were avid EN 2 users.Even if he got all of us to pay for a new version there are not enough users to make a difference in revenue.
Compared to the old version the new one is purely Web 2.0 glitz. But he is pulling in thousands of new users and if they purchase subscriptions it is a constantly renewing revenue source. Phil has no interest in creating an advanced application; he simply wants one that will attract a lot of new users. Paying users. Mobile users. Renewing-every-year users.
No idealism there IMO. Just plain old economics.
Thanks, Jim :) That's disappointing as the formatting in Evernote 2.2 works very well, as far as I can tell. I actually came to Evernote because development of NetSnippets ceased, for reasons I've never understood. I keep thinking about InfoQube as well... Like you, I've never immersed myself in it and am not comfortable with it, yet. I'm on Firefox 3 as my default browser now, so should really look at... the name is gone! It's a free plug-in that doubles as a bibliographic tool. I *think* it will clip web pages as well. My main interest in web clippings is to archive receipts and other transactions until confirmation e-mails are sent. Zotero - I remembered! Right, off to take a look now...
-Darwin (January 26, 2009, 10:45 PM)
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I mentioned Zotero in my post above. It is nice, but I'm now using Surfulater for the same function. I just prefer to have the database more in my control.
Evernote 3 is free unless you want their so-called advanced features or want to use a lot of bandwidth. Give it a try - who knows, it may be right for you. Just don’t import your only copy of your Evernotes 2.2 database into EN3. I suggest that you make a copy and keep a copy safe. :)
Paul Keith:
It's the same CEO, and this is definitely his plan. He is purposely going after those new customers and not the old Evernote users. It's the money, of course. There was really no more money to be made from the relatively few of us who were avid EN 2 users.Even if he got all of us to pay for a new version there are not enough users to make a difference in revenue.
Compared to the old version the new one is purely Web 2.0 glitz. But he is pulling in thousands of new users and if they purchase subscriptions it is a constantly renewing revenue source. Phil has no interest in creating an advanced application; he simply wants one that will attract a lot of new users. Paying users. Mobile users. Renewing-every-year users.
No idealism there IMO. Just plain old economics.
-J-Mac (January 26, 2009, 10:47 PM)
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Nah...plain old economics says you should never make your previous customers think you're screwing with them. You never know when you need them back. :P
I don't think going the Web 2.0 route was a horrible idea contrary to what many think but there really was no reason to change the brand. This is a case of a company growing so greedy, it wanted to have it's pie and eat it too.
Just the rabid change in icon alone implies that earlier on, the idea might have been to create a new service altogether and link Evernote with it. Some guy probably found out how the new application didn't import Evernote 2 well and how they could get more users if they don't try to sell this service as a premium service but instead over it as a freemium service while taking a piss on the old name and it's users.
Really, IMO proper marketing would have been to say that they could no longer support the EverNote brand and do a Google and say they are temporarily suspending development of that application but of course, add some incentive like maybe give away the last free stable version of EverNote pro, gather new found "rebound" interest and maybe improve upon the previous version and release a brand new "limited edition" pay-only EverNote with better features and rake in the cash but clearly greed took over and the company just wanted short term revenue on the old product and long term revenue on the new one.
Well, Evernote was very cash-strapped and having difficulty getting serious investors. After the move the the "cloud" with Evernote 3 they picked up several tens of millions in fresh cash inflow from investors.
I am thinking that they are probably happy with their move.
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