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Evernote Icon - what the heck is it? Anyone actually like version 3 ?

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So, any updates to peoples' impressions five months on? Allen - are you still a fan? Carol, Jim and others have you given up or soldiered on, perhaps falling in love with Evernote 3 afterall...?

Inquiring minds want to know... I want to know!

Paul Keith:
Well to be honest, so little has changed that I doubt the opinions of the posters here would have either.

Personally I prefer Evernote 3 because I pretty much need a web clipper anyway rather than the convoluted toilet paper notetaking structure of Evernote 2.

With that said, the client feels much more responsive and faster now since their latest updates and it looks like the company is trying to chip at Google Doc's market with their new premium edition.

Thanks, Paul  :Thmbsup: I've not tried Evernote 3 yet. I have 2.2 Pro and really like it. I keep toying with the idea of trying Evernote 3 on my main computer but wanted to get some "up to the minute" opinions before I do  :)

So, any updates to peoples' impressions five months on? Allen - are you still a fan? Carol, Jim and others have you given up or soldiered on, perhaps falling in love with Evernote 3 afterall...?

Inquiring minds want to know... I want to know!
-Darwin (January 26, 2009, 09:52 PM)
--- End quote ---

Ehh - it's OK for quick little clips of text or the occasional image. But... it is not enough to use for anything serious IMO.

E.g., I am using Ultra Recall Pro to store all documents on my PC that I consider important. That way I can search my important docs in a lot of different ways with UR's advanced search, logically link documents that are related, etc. And by backing up my UR databases I am by default backing up a copy of all my critical docs. Just another redundant backup!

And for web research - all kinds, from topics that I need for various projects to just general interest stuff - I use Surfulater. Ultra Recall Pro also can clip from the web pretty well but I like the way Surfulater does it better. I was using Zotero for this type of information collecting but I feel a bit more secure with Surfulater.

I will also probably use SQLNotes/InfoQube for some info once I feel a little more confident in using it. Thus far I have not gotten to the point where I feel confident enough with SQLNotes to use it regularly. I was using it fairly steady for a couple months but for me it is not yet there.

Evernote, IMO, is OK for quickly jotted notes and smaller clips. If you do a lot of handwritten notes and want recognition of them for searching, Evernote is good there. But its organization is not very good and the rich text engine in Evernote is, well, horrible. Text formatting will drive you nuts if you are using Windows. The Mac version has a phenomenal rich text editor but the Windows version of the client on your computer is really bad. Clip a few paragraphs from the web and when you go to read it there are no line feeds, no paragraph breaks. I have edited some and put all that back and open it again and it is all gone again! Maddening. The mod at their forum claims they are working on a new rich text engine for the Windows version but it will take several man-months. I say "Bull". The fact that you can access your notes databases from any computer is nice if you trust their "cloud". But with Ultra Recall, Surfulater, and SQLNotes I am using Dropbox to keep my databases synced among all computers, and it is working great.

Hope that helped.


Paul Keith:
Well speaking only on my personal opinion, if you haven't tried Evernote 3 yet, then I'd suggest giving up on any kind of import options. They're just two vastly different apps that I have a growing suspicion the developers only used the Evernote name so they could get part of the fanbase' of the brand as well as explain away why they are giving up on the previous model. (cause really they have no good reason other than purely abandoning it)

EverNote 3 is just so far from EverNote 2 that the team is quicker at adding options at getting people using Google Notebooks to use EN 3 than trying to grab the old market of EN 2.


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