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Evernote Icon - what the heck is it? Anyone actually like version 3 ?
Carol Haynes:
I just downloaded the update for the Firefox clipper icon for Evernote 3:
The one on the left is the icon for version 2.2 the green one is evernote 3.
The 2.2 icon is obvious and nicely designed for the purpose - what the heck is the green splodge about?
I have been playing with version 3 and they have now gone live with their 'premium accounts' at $5 a month or $45 a year.
Personally I won't be signing up (and probably won't be using the free limited account) - I just don't like version 3. It feels and looks clunky and seems to have lost the 'character' of version 2.2 which I quite like.
Since I have OneNote 2007 I am going to swap entirely to that in future (evernote 2.2 is a dead end and version 3 seems a pointless downgrade to me with an unjustifiable subscription service being pushed). All feels a great shame to me.
What do others think now the final version of this stuff is appearing?
The splodge is an elephant, they never forget. I wasn't all that happy with the idea at first of a web app, but I've been using it for a while now, having tried surfulator and onenote and its just so much easier in my opinion. It just seems to work and my notes are always synchronized. As for the premium service, well, so far according to the stats page I've transferred 0.4 of a mb.
Carol Haynes:
The splodge is an elephant, they never forget.
-Grorgy (July 01, 2008, 07:44 AM)
--- End quote ---
Seriously funny .... I want to save a note so where is the elephant?
Why not ...
Evernote 2 has the best sync-via-flashdrive feature that I've ever seen. Last I saw this was completely eradicated from v3, probably to force users to sync via their paid online service.
Does anyone know if the flashdrive sync feature has been returned, or if it will be?
Carol Haynes:
Evernote 3 has an "Install Portable" option - you then login with your account and sync from your web account.
So no it doesn't appear to have a straight Desktop <-> USB sync - only via the web account.
If you have a lot of stuff this can be S...L....O.............W..... because uploading all your notes from the desktop to the web is incredibly slow from most ISPs.
I suppose this has the one advantage that there is no longer a need to buy Evernote Portable because Evernote 3 contains the portable edition but you can't even use the portable version with internet access realistically.
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