Other Software > Developer's Corner
Programatically determining your IP Address...
works for me too.. i checked the external IP address with eToolz and they matched!. :up:
Works well here :)
Question: Would it be possible to have it give your your IP when the form loads, instead of having to click the button? I could definitely use this program for when I host game servers behind my router, and having it show up automatically is just that much more convenient.
k, here is a test run... This application should grab the source from http://checkip.dyndns.org/ and use a simple string manipulation to find your external IP address... Please post and let me know the results.
-Codebyte (June 30, 2008, 12:02 AM)
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Worked for me as well.
Wreckedcarzz, Im working on an executable for you right now... Just woke up lol! Is there anything else you would like added to it?
Now, only left to do is figure out how to grab a web page's source code programatically.... Once I get this done, ill upload a sample executable to see if the String routine will work correctly with different IP's...
-Codebyte (June 27, 2008, 08:20 PM)
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Try this URL: http://www.netikus.net/show_ip.html
Just the IP. Nothing more (no source code to search).
Autohotkey example:
--- ---UrlDownloadToFile,http://www.netikus.net/show_ip.html,%a_temp%\myip.txt
msgbox,your IP is %ip%
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