News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members
Locate 3.0 - great *FAST* HD search tool!
Yup, and that doesn't do "content-aware" search, it searches raw contents.
-f0dder (October 30, 2008, 11:30 AM)
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And no wanting to beat a dead horse - altho I have probably already done that - I thought that a PDF file where you could SELECT the text (ie, not an image) would contain the text as text - with other stuff around it - so a phrase search might not work - but I thought a simple text search would. But ya' learn something new each day ...
I think I will use locate for a while, and see how often I really need content searching. The best example I have is: I keep my receipts for online purchases as PDF files, and I occasionally ask myself "where did I buy that last laptop battery?" or "I got a unknown credit card charge for $19.95 - did I buy something?" The first question I can normally answer from the file name - the second is a little harder - I hate web sites where the credit card charge is for a name you never saw before - they just mentioned it in passing.
And no wanting to beat a dead horse - altho I have probably already done that - I thought that a PDF file where you could SELECT the text (ie, not an image) would contain the text as text - with other stuff around it - so a phrase search might not work - but I thought a simple text search would. But ya' learn something new each day ...
-kronhead (October 30, 2008, 04:05 PM)
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Well, yes BUT Locate doesn't index file contents but rather file names.
You are right but that is why I still naive waiting for TC plugins support in Locate32 (it is on its ToDo list).
waiting for TC plugins support in Locate32 (it is on its ToDo list).
-fenixproductions (October 30, 2008, 05:42 PM)
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Have you tried FSE? I don't have a URL, but it's in the TC forums.
Have you tried FSE? I don't have a URL, but it's in the TC forums.-rjbull (October 31, 2008, 12:15 PM)
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Yes, I did on the first day plugin had been released. In the matter of fact: I've tried all 500 TC's plugins.
FSE is just a front-end to Locate32. It is much easier just to use Win+F and have dirs opened in TC. FSE limits come from L32 and that is why I gave L's author the idea of building proper plugs interface in the first place. Watching from player's* point of view I don't think it should be so hard to do so... I am just waiting.
*) player - I wrote few WDX plugins (in C++) and couple of simple C# tools for handling them (like beta version of Comparer - no time to finish). That's the way of the freak ;)
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