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what to do with web-spit?


I'm writing in regard to my company:

we write a free software for nearly 10 years, giving free updates, free releases and many updates.
the product is helpmaker. - the product is found in the URL:

we also host the turbopower newsgroups at no charge.

every now and then, we get slurs, personal attacks, insults, false claims against us.
today, this has raised it's ugly head again.

what should we do about this?

by the way,
our commercial products are used by tens of thousands of users:

- one commercial product is nominated as 'best...' in one category by the Shareware Industry Conference

- another product is used by MS, (computer manufacturer. makers), (telephone companies), (banks).

- another product is purchased by large corporations and used world-wide.,
one deployment of a multi-national company: Japan, London, Tokyo, Singapore, USA (Multiple States), France, Germany, India, and so on.


Nothing you can do but forge ahead and keep doing things right. 


we also host the turbopower newsgroups at no charge.

every now and then, we get slurs, personal attacks, insults, false claims against us.
today, this has raised it's ugly head again.

what should we do about this?

-vizacc (June 25, 2008, 09:22 AM)
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Just curious, what exactly is being said about you? You have a pretty harmless looking product line so I can't imagine what could be said about you that would have much traction. Are your products being slammed? Are the attacks directed at an individual or individuals within your company? Is somebody being an idiot in your news groups? Could you be a little more specific about what is going on?

by the way,
our commercial products are used by tens of thousands of users:

- one commercial product is nominated as 'best...' in one category by the Shareware Industry Conference

--- End quote ---

BTW: Your second post kinda reads like an advert, dontcha think? ;) Just a thought...

I only have one advice: answer to those individuals in a decent way and explain them why they are wrong.
Please, please don't follow other companies' policies of erasing the posts that you consider bad for your reputation, it gives a VERY bad look for the costumer. I do agree with doing moderation on the wording, if necessary.


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