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DC Forum Members -- Tell Us About Your Website

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... must go google 'Image Compressor 2008' now, ...-brett (July 16, 2008, 04:48 AM)
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Quite frankly I will only recommend Image Compressor ("IMC") if you are the kind of guy who think it is just fine to spend a lot of time getting to know a program, and also to wait for it to launch in the first place - it is loading far too  S  L  O  W  . But you must also think a programmer has a natural born right to make his program different from anything else! IMC was primarily made for compressing; the enlargement feature is hard to find and hard to understand how to use. With these reservations, I will say that IMC gives the finest image quality, and that is just about the only reason I am using it! And I use it every day.

Misc random projects, some coding snacks I made for dc.
Haven't made much updates to that page lately because I've been busy with my server admin work.
This is the professional website for my new serveradmin startup.

Spaceduck site
This is the web site for the spaceduck game which I was developing quite some time ago. I still plan on finishing it some day, but I suppose for now you can consider it vapourware. ;)

Eternal site
Even older than spaceduck, a roleplaying game I was planning to develop. Yet another thing I hope to finish some day. This is something I'll probably finish on my deathbed or something ;) Just like spaceduck it's dead now because of work and other exciting projects. One of my more-active-but-still-not-so-active projects might actually serve as a platform for this eventually.


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