Thanks for the very kind words, twinkler, that means a lot to me.
I can usually sort through all of this, but it's just getting so insanely busy. I'm juggling my job (which is busy itself) with this stat class I'm taking, trying to get my website going, my music, trying to be remotely sociable....argh! It's really just this preparation for grad school, I think I'd be able to handle everything else normally.
Anytime programming and coding get involved in my life, it adds a level of stress for me. It's not that I'm not good at it, it's just that it's not something I do, and each code is particular to that application and it has to be so precise, so it's just another thing to learn. That's what I went through and still going through with Wordpress (with css, php, xml, xhtml, etc.). I don't really want to do that. I'm just a software user, I like to click around and figure things out. That's most of my motivation for even writing software reviews and stuff. I just want our lives to be easier with this technology we have available and that's always my goal in my ramblings on software. The more software helps us, the more time we have for doing more things that we love like our work, our music, families, friends, etc. Right?
OK, sorry about that...long day.