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Someone MUST make a new PowerMarks program.
J-Mac, would you say the PRO-features are worth the $s?
-TucknDar (March 29, 2009, 01:14 PM)
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I'm not J-Mac, but I thought I'd chime in here, since I use the Pro version and think it's definitely worth the money, at least for me. The Pro feature that matters most to me is the link checking, which is many times faster and more accurate than Powermarks' link checking ability. For me, that one feature makes the Pro version worth the $.
I'm not J-Mac, but I thought I'd chime in here, since I use the Pro version and think it's definitely worth the money, at least for me. The Pro feature that matters most to me is the link checking, which is many times faster and more accurate than Powermarks' link checking ability. For me, that one feature makes the Pro version worth the $.
-cyberdiva (March 29, 2009, 01:32 PM)
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Thanks for the input, and you're certainly forgiven for not being J-Mac ;)
By link checking, you mean checking for dead links, or do you mean check for content changes?
I've not tried the free version so I only have that same list to go on. I;ve been using the Pro version for about a year now and I'm happy - I can say that!
Thanks for the input, and you're certainly forgiven for not being J-Mac ;)
By link checking, you mean checking for dead links, or do you mean check for content changes?
-TucknDar (March 29, 2009, 01:38 PM)
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Thanks for your forgiveness :) .
I was referring to Linkman Pro's ability to check for dead or moved links. It does so VERY fast, and it can sometimes also update the link's URL.
Steven Avery:
Hi Folks,
It does so VERY fast, and it can sometimes also update the link's URL. -cyberdiva
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Hmm. That should be interesting to try. Does it give you a yes/no option ? Does it look like it uses content matching under the domain ? From above it looks like a Pro-only feature, since validation is part of the differences. If so, it is a nice plus for pro.
Ok, I am happily using Lite for now. No difficulties on the reinstall.
What irked me so much before was that Linkman could give the user the impression of adding and updating (and it would keep the new adds and updates visible for the session in memory) and that the additions would vanish on closing. This I believe is improper. If something is not going to be saved it should not give the appearance of being accepted.
Checking to see what is in the Pro that I need or will use some. I can definitely see a single-license for a separate USB installation. The other pro-feature aspects above are bit deep for me right now (each one is a paragraph discussion with its own research. I think the Pro version metatag feature may, by default, bring in too many metatags, who wants dozens ?). While the "Replace feature" is not on the list of differences at the Linkman site om 12/2008 (and the replace and edit features seem to work fine in Lite).
The USB is the main one I can see for an immediate one-license purchase, since Linkman is my PIM and more -- the USB is kewl when I go to libraries and other systems. The validation dead link sometimes-updating might be nice, too.
Meanwhile I took Jing pics as well to send to Trialpay and RingCentral, asking why they do not give proper response and honor the offer. Lots of runaround. Outertech says their experience with Trialpay has been good unraveling offer difficulties.
Note: Outertech had the wrong price up on the Trialpay offer, now corrected. When I did it it said $39 which looked like the 2-puter license, Actually it was the 1-license earlier price, now reduced to $25.
So I plan to use Lite, and then buy a single-user Pro at leisure, either the Trialpay try in process or a straight purchase.
Steven Avery
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