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How to get best juice out of FARR?

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let me try to get the new save/load options code written and then you can take a look again at startup time -- some people experience very slow startup/shutdown times due to an unusual interaction with antivirus tools.

I imagine that by startup/shutdown times you don't mean starting or shutting down the actual farr process... Just invoking/closing farr's window... Right?

IN my case, the "unusual interaction with antivirus tools" only affects the moment where changes are made to the ini file -- every 6 "launches" or so.

As for the times where what I'm looking for doesn't show up rapidly (even if in the history list), it doesn't seem related to that ini file saving thing... but I could be totally wrong, of course.

yes to all armando.

Well having a long history list makes Farr window a slow opener. When I have a shorter list Farr opens way quicker. Is there a way to keep history launching long but keep the showing history short?

In your case, Kartal, I'd say that your history list is quite (too?) short. Mine is 990... And farr opens instantly. Why would it slow it down? If your list was a bit longer it would allow farr to remember
-Armando (June 18, 2008, 08:06 PM)
--- End quote ---

Slow opener ? Hmmm.  It's virtually instant on my not that old (2,5 years old) computer, with a 990 items list. Do you actually mean running the whole program from scratch?  Or just showing the window (ctrl+space or whatever the shortcut key)?


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