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Firefox 3 - A visual guide to the new features

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thanks for this useful guide !!  :Thmbsup:

Read somewhere that V3 is to be released on June 17. Anyone else heard that?.

Yes, it's currently the top news at Mozillazine:

This field guide makes me WANTING to get Firefox 3 !!!
Thanks, Lashiec  :up:

I just installed it yesterday.  Very fast, and the leaner memory hit is amazing!

Can't say as much about the new default theme, though.  I am not that much into skinning - why use up this newly freed memory with graphics?  But the new look is pretty bland. And there are not that many add-on skins available for it yet.  Be a while for that, I guess.

Also, about half my extensions worked right off the bat.  I do have the Nightly Tool Tester extension installed, which can "force" a compatibility update for non-working extensions.  But it will only work, of course, if the core extension CAN work in the new version.  If not, the browser can get pretty broken.  So I am trying to determine that others have successfully gotten the extension to work elsewhere before I just dive in and do it myself.  So far about a quarter of my favored extensions are still not working.



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