Software > Post New Requests Here
IDEA: X Windows Style Death Mouse (xkill)
Yay! I do that to MS outlook but with Ctrl+Alt+Del end now.
Carol Haynes:
It's just a way to find quicker/easier ways to do it. Ctrl/Alt/Del brings up a window with all processes showing - killing some of them would have knock on effects on the entire system. Doing it on a window basis would allow just the relevant processes to be killed without the temptation to fiddle with others.
This is a very cool app but I personally would like a more brutal approach. I just want it to be more agressive on unresponsive applications. It tries to close or kill which fine but ultimate termination of the process would be more helpful in certain situations
I downloaded KILL for Windows. Immediately, my AVG Anti-virus warned of multiple infections in the downloaded File. I immediately deleted the KILL file. Has anyone else had this issue. needs to check out their link to this file
:tellme: :down:
nutcase> don't worry this is a false positive.
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