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D&D Robot update causes issues running old items



I'm having an issue after upgrading where the program will no longer process batch files.   

C:\RunRobot\fixes_drapdroprobot.bat "%A"

Batch file just has this:
cd "%1"
cscript "C:\RunRobot\fixes.vbs

Error message:
'C:\Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Execution complete.

Odd that it's reporting this when there isn't any Program files reference it seems. 



Good find -- seems i didn't test a new piece of code i added to support language scripts (like .pl perl scripts, etc.)
Try updating or re-downloading, should be fixed now.

For those who care, the new version will create a temporary batch file and run that for you if you specify a script file on the commandline.  The bug was being caused because of a combination of the program mistakenly thinking it should make a batch file combined with it not remembering to use the short version of the filename, needed when i shell the batch file.  Should be all fixed now.


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