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Drinking Vinegar?

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Oh, and mouser... NYAH! :P See! I'm not insane! (Or at least I'm not alone in my insanity... ;) )
-Renegade (June 10, 2008, 12:27 PM)
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"and drinking a $20 bottle of balsamic a week!"
go on! go for something more exotic - those rice vinegars sound intriguing - to me at any rate :)

Finally got to google "drinking vinegar" - mostly sites about cider vinegar, but here's an intriguing one from the first page

Then I read up on vinegar cause I realised I didnt know what distinguished it from alcohol -
afraid I'm still not sure apart from that with vinegar they start the process with ethanol which basically is a purified vodka by the sounds of it, and then the fact it has a certain PH & a certain acidity (think they the same thing actually..)

Mostly vinegar is left in barrels for oxidation more time than regular wine (ya know, because alcohol covers a great deal of beverages, not all of them valid for making vinegar out of it, I think, although I'd kill to see beer-based vinegar ;D), for taking as an example one drink I'm familiar with.

I'd kill to see beer-based vinegar ;D-Lashiec (June 10, 2008, 07:02 PM)
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Cool! Let's see who am I going to kill now...

Cool! Let's see who am I going to kill now...
-Lashiec (June 10, 2008, 07:23 PM)
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* scancode points at mouser.
Btw... saw that link? DCimports :tellme:


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