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Drinking Vinegar?
I've heard of it only for an alternative medical treatment for, if memory serves me correctly(don't trust my memory as I don't ;)), I believe kidney stones.
Well, my father once had a bottle of wine that tasted like vinegar, apparently he left it in the barrel for too long. And still he claimed it was great :D
-Lashiec (June 01, 2008, 12:28 PM)
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apparently (from what I've read & I'm not quoting/digging up sources :P) cider vinegar is the good one
It's the only vinegar that actually stimulates digestion/digestive juices - all other vinegars actually inhibit digestion.
Apparently it's good for lots of other things - but I couldnt for the life of me tell you what but, if I'm making a salad dressing that's always the first ingredient
I misread the the poll as simply drinking vinegar (as opposed to "drinking vinegar?")
Never heard of that (the "drinking vinegar?"), but then never thought I'd see "green tea" soft drinks in the corner shop either...
We have quite a few variants of drinking yoghurt in India & people are really fond of it, I personally find it disgusting.
Drinking vinegar I've never heard of... can't be good for the body, can it?
I've seen this thread and even have heard some discussions in IRC about this topic over the past couple days.
One thing I find very curious is that most of us here seem to be absolutely disgusted by the idea of drinking vinegar, with many of us saying it can't be good for the body. Yet how many of us don't think twice about drinking alcohol? It's a product known for liver damage, addiction, and other undesirable side effects, yet I would venture to guess that most people in this thread drink alcoholic beverages at least a couple of times a week.
Excellent point, Deozaan. I only drink on occasions but yeah, it's something one never gives a second thought to. Maybe we're conditioned to think drinking booze is OK, or even 'cool'. Incidentally advertising liquor is illegal here, so some companies have started manufacturing water & apple juice and promoting their main product with wink-wink ads for apple juice. ;D
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