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Looking for simple "before & after" file/registry snapshotter

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Lolipop Jones:
To do this:
Take a snapshot.
Run my program.
Take another snapshot.
See a comparison of exactly what files and registry entries were changed.

This is for an almost trivial purpose, I'm setting up a new family PC and need to find out where some older games store all their user history files (unfortunately not in a defined save game location).  So a high cost system restore package is not really what I'm looking for.

Searched the forum and found one reference that sounded perfect to a program called "What Changed". Unfortunately the post is two years old and the program is apparently no longer available.



Monitor System Changes

Regshot — über-useful, über-tiny, now über-opensource

Also, google for InCtrl5 (I think by pcmag ).

I use Total Uninstall. It has gone shareware but you can still find the last freeware edition through Google. Excellent app.


Regshot — über-useful, über-tiny, now über-opensource

-PhilB66 (May 26, 2008, 10:17 AM)
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+1.  A handy and useful tool!

I think the best snapshot/diff tool ATM
in the freeware area is SystemExplorer.

Looking for simple "before & after" file/registry snapshotter

more screen shots at


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