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IDEA: Mouse Wheel Scroll Can Cycle Through Applications on Taskbar

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How about using Lanux128's script, but add a few lines to check the mouse cursor position.  If the cursor is over the taskbar, send the Alt-Esc or Alt-Shift-Esc.  (You'll probably get this when Lanux128 is back at his desk ;))

actually i'm not sure whether to continue with this because the original requester has not replied yet if he wants to replicate the 'Alt+Esc' behaviour. :)

The alt-esc method is ok, but I was wondering if it is possible for the hover detection to be implemented.

okay, there's an opening for guinea beta testers, please download and give this a try. ;)

lanux: I can see the taskbar items getting focus but the windows themselves are not coming to the foreground. Also some taskbar items are being skipped.


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