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IDEA: Mouse Wheel Scroll Can Cycle Through Applications on Taskbar

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Thanks for creating the script. I not all too concern about making the minimized windows being able to pop out, but it would be a nice feature to have.
-Smobu (May 27, 2008, 01:14 AM)
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you're welcome.. as sri mentions in the earlier post, i'll be making a slightly different script but not based on Alt+Tab either as the internal order of the windows is not as seen on the taskbar. ;)

• What is the Alt+Tab order?

while trawling through the AHK forums, i came upon this script which is very impressive, to say the least. all it needs is a tiny modification to work with the MouseWheel. so i PM'ed the author for his permission to post it here and also invited him over. while waiting for his reply, i thought i'd just update here.. :up:

• Script to Scroll Sequentially Across Taskbar.

lanux: Presently that script uses ctrl+9 to switch to next window and ctrl+8 to switch to previous window.

I've replaced ^9 with ~WheelUp and ^8 with ~WheelDown.

How do I restrict the script to work only when the mouse is over the taskbar?

How do I restrict the script to work only when the mouse is over the taskbar?-sri (May 28, 2008, 12:41 AM)
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you can make it work conditionally by adding these lines below in each of the WheelUp/Down command.

--- ---{
MouseGetPos, , , id, control
WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
If class = Shell_TrayWnd

i'm also attaching the modified script, subject to the original author's permission. 8)

works pretty good. Thanks lanux and the original author.


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