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FARR in other languages?

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I couldn't help but notice that FARR is only available in English... and not only that, but I don't see any way to easily translate it (at least without hacking the .exe with a resource hacker) and that's really a shame as such a great program should be available in as many languages as possible so everybody could enjoy it.

Could it be possible to include multilingual support in the next release (I bet you'll have many volunteer translators starting with myself) or at least put all language strings into a .dll or something like that for easier localization?

Is it possible to translate to other languages?

I wonder if that couldn't be done via a plugin or something similar?  Something where the language is in a separate file that is read in, and a chooser is used to select the language file used.  I don't know enough about programming, is this something that is possible?  If so, you can stick with what is here, then each user can create a new language file as needed and make it available.

Is it possible to translate to other languages?
-kartal (May 23, 2008, 11:17 PM)
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If people really want this, i could add it without much trouble.


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