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Find And Run Robot (FARR) - Features You Should Know About

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On my pc the speed is great and if it was faster I would not be able to detect it with my human sight - maybe the inside pc god would know :o

so far my fav. feature is the group alias, so I have
/  to bring up a list of my fav. folders
txt    to bring up a list of my most used text files like todo, addresslist etc.
web  to bring up a list of my fav web sites

I also like the buit in terms like

Any chance of coding FARR (and some of your other programs) for Linux?

I'm afraid not, but there are some good similar linux utilities like Gnome Do, and the cross platform Launchy.

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm familiar with Launchy, but preferred SlickRun over that. Might have a go at it as I'm tending to use Linux Mint12 more and more.

I would vote for indexing too! Speed is most important for a launcher.

And RAM is cheap - Free RAM is useless ;)


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