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Super lite PIM? Address book?
If I could wave a magic wand I'd create something like FARR or nDroid but made to scan a couple files of info and return matching lines rather than various directories returning matching files.
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I keep meaning to write this plugin for FARR or encourage someone else to write it. A simple text-file information lookup plugin would be so useful and simple. It's long overdue.
-mouser (May 09, 2008, 10:56 AM)
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Is that any different from using GREP? If it isn't, why not just add a FARR alias for running a GREP? I recommend BareGrepPro, already mentioned in several other DC threads.
I was checking out baregreppro and it looks like it would be great for this purpose, I just need to have all my various files in txt format and in the same directory.
I was checking out baregreppro and it looks like it would be great for this purpose, I just need to have all my various files in txt format and in the same directory.
-sabot7726 (May 11, 2008, 05:15 PM)
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BareGrepPro is practically impossible to outspeed :) But I repeat, you might like to try AZZ Cardfile as it looks to be fast and appropriate for your situation, that is, all the features you need but still easy to use in a hurry.
Try AMNotebook. The Lite version is available at no cost for personal use. Commercail use requires a fee, which upgrades you to the Pro version. See
I spent a lot of time looking for this type of program over the course of several years before I found AM-Notebook. I usually won't pay a fee for utility type software like this because there are a lot of decent freeware and open source programs available. But after using AM-Notebook for about a month I broke down and paid the fee for a pro version. Best money I ever spent on a piece of software.
This has everything I want and most of what you've said you're looking for, and it can be installed on an external USB device, in case you move around a lot from PC to PC. The Pro version can also use network storage. It runs continuously and minimizes to the system tray, where it's easily accessible. It has a small memory foot print, and is very responsive even on low power PCs. The author want's to keep it clean, simple to use and fast.
I've been using AM-Notebook for about 3 years now and wouldn't trade it for anything. Download it and play around with it for awhile. I think you'll find that its a very versatile tool.
I made something much simpler in Autohotkey once called "phone", maybe I ought to dig it up and add some stuff to it, even though it works as it is, just go:
--- --- phone add [name] [phone #]to add a name
--- --- phone [name]to pull up a number
--- --- phone listto pull up the entire list in notepad
--- --- phone del [name]to delete a name.
Here it is in AHK code:
--- ---; first put the most important command line options into variables
apb_name = %1%
apb_opt = %0%
; look to see if there is a phone file handy, if not, make one...
IfNotExist, phone.db
; figure out if there are too many options
If apb_opt >3
MsgBox,16,PhoneBook,The command you issued contains too many variables `nPlease use dashes or underscores instead of spaces `nin the Entry name.,
; this is in case you started Phone without options or from a mouse
If apb_opt < 1
InputBox,apb_name,PhoneBook,Please enter a name to find.,,300,150
; what did you say?
If apb_name = add
Gosub, add
If apb_name = del
Goto, del
If apb_name = list
Goto, list
; unless you asked for 'del' option, display info requested or info just entered
IniRead,apb_ph,phone.db,%apb_name%,phone, nonexistent
StringUpper, apb_name, apb_name, T
MsgBox,64,PhoneBook,%apb_name%'s phone number is... `n %apb_ph%,
; subroutine for adding names
apb_name = %2%
apb_ph = %3%
; subroutine and exit after deleting names
apb_name = %2%
; what have I done? :o
MsgBox,64,PhoneBook,All records of %apb_name% have been erased...
; open phone.db in Notpad
Run, Notepad phone.db, C:/,,
Give it a shot, and I'll try to add some of your suggestions to it.
(here's the .exe to get you started...)
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