ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > DesktopCoral

LATEST VERSION INFO THREAD - DesktopCoral - 1.10.01 - Jan 16, 2011

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yea thanks for the help :P, also it would be nice the bars could OPTIONALLY be treated more like an extra monitor. (not getting its own background), but rather, so files could be maximized in it, and so it wouldnt trigger aero snap in win 7, or somehow disable snap just for one side of one monitor, both seem rather challenging to me...

Stoic Joker:
if they are in the same directory running twice, they are going to overwrite each others settings files.  if you really need to run copies you need to put them in two separate directories and edit their configdir.ini files to make them run in portable mode and so save their config files separately.-mouser (February 04, 2012, 12:38 PM)
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What about using the previous (/single) instance check to automatically look for a config2.ini file? If there is a way to check for a 2nd monitor, this could also be used to conditionally load the 2nd instance.

(Sorry) Just thinking out loud.

First...Sorry for my english :( ..ok...i use for more than two years the DesktopCoral starting when Windows starts, never had a problem I would not have even thought compatibility when installing windows 8 on PC and always worked well until one week ago now does not want to start with windows I have that I do function and occurred spontaneously, does anyone know what happens? and tried everything, configure logging, reinstall, delete all data in the file and nothing, help!

I to have been a long time user and enjoy the software(with rainmeter), Recently however i have gotten 2 new monitors (thin bezel), and have come to the conclusion that the 1/2 inch gap between them was rather anoying (because there is an physical gap there, but there is no 'gap' between the 2 desktops it would stretch anything along this gap.
So i decided to try adjusting the horizontal position on the displays, so one of them is far enough offscreen to make the virtual gap match the physical one..
this works brilliantly with desktop coral, adjusted to fill that gap so fullscreen apps dont have their side cut off :), My only problem is with the taskbar/start button.

So it would be absolutely awesome if this could have an option for coral to move the taskbar over also. (i'm not sure if this is possible however, and i know its been a long time since an update, but i figured its worth a shot :P.

I also use multiple copies of the program on different parts of the desktop :P

DesktopCoral is now on And apparently there are no alternatives to it!  :)


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