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IDEA: Plz Record the (X,Y) cordinates. 2 Versions Available

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Hi people. I had a go at making something similar, but it's not as good as the Net version (in my opinion). The Capture facilty still needs some tweaking.

     Well, on that note, Version 3.0 of Coordinator is done! All requested features have been integrated in some form or another. Unfortunately it's taken me a while--work has been a bit crazy lately, I've been preparing for an upcoming leadership at our church's summer middle- and high-school camps, and I've been preparing for a missions trip to St. John later this summer. Nevertheless, this version is complete, and (finally) I've figured out how to draw lines anti-aliased.

I was unable to replicate the exception after clicking hundreds of points. I basically reorganized the entire drawing system though, so the issue may have resolved itself (I suspect that is the what caused the exception in the first place). Also, the original behavior of not allowing you to close shapes was intentional--I didn't think you would want it to allow duplicate points. Now, it will only prevent placing a new point if that point is the same as the previous (accidental double-click) or the previous's previous (double-backing).

Comments are more than welcome, but I won't get them for a week or so (away at aforementioned camps). Enjoy  :)



LOOKING REAL GOOD. The updated version looks fantastic. I like the clean, clear anti-aliased look. Thanks for adding the area function, the closed path functionality, the coordinate list box and the many other bits and pieces. A real great effort.

When a program advances to this state of excellence, there is really only one thing to do and that is to make a web page for it, and then to look at those other similar programs i mentioned initially and see what features Coordinator is missing, and then make Coordinator the best.

I'm honestly still a bit confused about what it's useful for! I guess it could be used to extract data from a printed graph, but then why would one need to find the area of a polygon??? Hmmm... whatever. As long as it helps someone out, I'm happy.


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