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Snapshot : DVD Movie in Windows Media Player 11

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Why is it necessary to disable overlays {Options > Performance > Video accleration : Advanced > DVD Video [ ]Use Overlays } in Windows Media Player 11 (Windows XP SP2) before SSC is able to create a snapshot of the video?

A brief tutorial here or a link to such a tutorial on how overlays relate to SSC and other capture program work would be great.

Thanks ... Charles

Snapshot : DVD Movie in Windows Media Player 11

Because without the overlays you are actually taking a picture of a pink square that only graphics card knows how to deal with.

A pain, but something that we've had to deal with since 1998ish.

You might be better finding a video program that takes screenshots (does VLC? I know power dvd used to)

Iirc at least one of the commercial screensnappers can handle overlays, but I'd go for mediaguy's advice and use a player that can take screenshots... much easier and less expensive :)

a program called Topaz Moment was mentioned recently.

Carol Haynes:
WinDVD (all versions - often included with stuff as a free OEM disc) takes good snapshots. You can also buy it (now from but it isn't cheap.


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