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Do you collect anything?
I submit. You're too powerful an exponent of the rationale for me.-cranioscopical (May 02, 2010, 02:40 PM)
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Does that mean Darwin and you have reached a zero-sum situation?
-rjbull (May 02, 2010, 02:53 PM)
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Where would the percentage be in that?
BTW, nobody else but me seems to collect :
1/ Mp3 players
2/ Watches (mainly Casio)
Not that huge a collection, but a few too many items - if that's grammatically correct...
I used to collect watches when I was in elementary school. The big question though is do you *wear* your collection? Yes, I wore up to 3 watches simultaneously on a regular basis. :D
- Oshyan
I used to collect watches when I was in elementary school. The big question though is do you *wear* your collection? Yes, I wore up to 3 watches simultaneously on a regular basis. :D
- Oshyan
-JavaJones (May 04, 2010, 12:53 PM)
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Yes, I do wear them, but one at a ... time. I change every week or so. I keep the most expensive ones for special occasions.
Collecting is a little too formal a term for what I do. It implies a conscious and rational plan for acquisition. Something I freely admit I lack. Some other people called themselves "accumulators" which I think adequately describes what I do.
Things I regularly accumulate (and in no particular order):
* Books
* Tarot Cards
* Books
* Art Glass Globes (when I can afford it)
* Books
* Sacred Scriptures - all faiths and belief systems (and yes, I've read 'em all too!)
* Books
* Musical Instruments
* Books
* Quotations
* Books
* Movie Scripts
* Oh! Did I mention books yet?
and trouble!
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