Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room
Do you collect anything?
electronic calculators
slide rules
I shudder to think about what's going to be next-Darwin
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I'm sure you'll think of sum thing.
-cranioscopical (May 01, 2010, 06:02 PM)
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I've no doubt that I shall - that's what has me worried. It's going to multiply my posessions AND create a division in my household.
-Darwin (May 01, 2010, 06:12 PM)
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At least you'll have another product ;)
-cranioscopical (May 01, 2010, 08:41 PM)
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With all the stuff I've collected over the years, what would be the difference?
I'd better get this current obsession squared away before I start logging more purchases. At the rate I'm going, I'm going to have to get someone to co-sign a loan for further additions to my collection :huh: I just wish I knew what was at the root of it all. There must have been a sign?
OK enough of this tangent... Tsk, so much hyperbole. I need to simplify my life, not make it more complex.
I think you're going off on a tangent here. While I've derived a great degree of pleasure from the terms you've used (inversely proportional to their relevance), I wish you'd integrated your remarks with the topic better. Perhaps we should form a group to moderate these posts and regain our focus. Y coordinate, you ask? For consistency.
I think you're going off on a tangent here. While I've derived a great degree of pleasure from the terms you've used (inversely proportional to their relevance), I wish you'd integrated your remarks with the topic better. Perhaps we should form a group to moderate these posts and regain our focus. Y coordinate, you ask? For consistency.
-tsaint (May 02, 2010, 03:15 AM)
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Did I skim the posts too quickly or has nobody yet admitted to collecting pron? :P
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