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Do you collect anything?
I collect DVD's (I own legit copies not netflixed copies). Currently at 737 movies altogether.
The wife and I just started collecting shot glasses with our recent trips to DC and the national aquarium in baltimore. I'd love to see a DONATIONCODER.COM SHOT GLASS featuring cody drinking a beer ;-)
Thats about it for now.
Precious stones.
Some are worth enough but it's mostly to show to youngsters.
A friend here has quite a few butterflies, i tend to show those off even if not familiar with much.
@Darwin, you should look up Youtube for Jonathan Winters.
He has a good skit with fountain pens.
Good humour the way it should be.
I collect anatomy and art books
I used to collect playing cards, I have about 50 packs (only full regular packs, 52 cards + jokers). But later I stopped collecting them, now I just own them :)
Operating Systems
-Stoic Joker (April 09, 2008, 06:21 AM)
--- End quote ---
Aargh! My weak spot... (and I thought I was immune to this thread...)
For some reason I just cannot resist when some rebel upstart offers an alternative to the MS experience, just for fun, or when I get a fancy to go back to the "good old days".
Some of the OS's sitting in my bin right now (not counting the Windows NT through XP cd's and the stack of Linux distros and live cd's I tried before finally settling on Xubuntu):
MS-DOS 6.22 (3 floppies)
Windows 3.11 (6 floppies)
OS/2 Warp 4 (3 floppies + 1 CD)
OS/2 Warp 4.52 (2 CD's)
FreeDOS 1.1 (the latest!)
BeOS 5 PE (1 CD)
Syllable OS (2 CD's:1 unmarked, 1 latest ver. 0.6.4)
NetBSD (2 CD's I downloaded in 2002, never got around to installing...)
QNX Demo Disk (Network and Modem versions, 1 floppy each)
MenuetOS (0.76, 0.83 and 0.85, 1 floppy each)
VisopSys 0.69 (1 floppy)
V2OS 0.64 (strangest of the bunch... 1 floppy)
And I fear it's not going to stop there... :o
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