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1s y0ur $0n a c0#pu73r h3x0r??

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Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Written with nothing but good intentions but some of the generalizations are rather hilarious.
Click on the line starting with the http:// scan code to read all about it on The Internets! (a web browser must be installed to accomplish hyper-linking!)

I'm pretty sure this is satire.

I certainly hope so!  ;D

Read some of the points in a little more detail and *ahem* it rather obviously is.  :-[

Even still, (and as you can attest) it's done so cleverly that it actually comes off as believable! Not that we would believe what he's saying has any truth to it, but we might believe that he believes what he's saying.

It's a really well done piece.

Yep, I just glanced at the intro and the headers... hook, line & sinker! (grrr!!!)


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