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Questions about aliases


A few questions about this marvelous function - pardon my ignorance!

1. Is there any way to automatically cause the list of files in a search results window which contains Alias results to open up without having to double-click the list? For example, instead of the top result being "Exercise - Alias, 6 items", is there some way to make the results automatically appear as: Shoulder exercises.doc, Physiotherapy.doc, etc.

2. Is there any shortcut (or way to make a shortcut), for +alias (e.g, +al), so it won't be necessary to type out the whole word (to save time)?

3. Is there any way to automatically copy all the files located from an alias to a specified location on the hard disk, in effect copying material from a virtual folder into a "real" folder?

hi there, LM7.. some brief answers..

1. maybe this is what you're looking for.
2. you can type the 1st few words and press Tab to auto-complete.
3. i don't quite follow. do you want to copy the files that appear in the search result?

Thanks for the quick reply -

1. Sorry, that wasn't what I was looking for (but good to know anyway)!
2. I meant that I was looking for a shortcut for the operator "+alias", not for the first few words of the alias itself.
3. Yes, that's exactly what I want - to copy the search result.

You can drag+drop items from the results window to a folder which should result in them being copied.
Or if you just want the path you can right-click on a result and choose to "Copy Path".
But there is no way to copy "All" currently.  I suppose i could add that if it was really needed.

I'm not following request #1.

As for #2, assuming you do in fact want to use +alias to specifically ONLY match alias items, and that you already know that you don't have to normally use +alias if you just want to type an alias, then the answer is yes you could make your own shorthand.  You would create a new alias, and make it trigger for example on the regular expression:
al (.*)
and then for your result put:
dosearch +alias $$1

This will let you type "al BLAH" and only aliases matching BLAH will be shown, as if you had typed "+alias BLAH"

3. Yes, that's exactly what I want - to copy the search result.
-LM7 (March 25, 2008, 02:14 AM)
--- End quote ---
Currently, farr can't do that (copy files to the windows clipboard).
What you can do is: open the place you want to copy the files, then drag+drop the files from farr to there. (this is VERY useful when you want to send stuff through windows live messenger, just find it in farr and then drag+drop into messenger's window)

PS: you can also copy the pathname of a file by setting the focus to it and pressing ctrl-c


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