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Restating Godwin's Law
Ironically I've been thinking of posting about SQLNotes in the "Favourite File Manager" thread and probably will cause I use it as such now in conjunction with Dopus. But at least that's on topic then...
Ironically I've been thinking of posting about SQLNotes in the "Favourite File Manager" thread and probably will cause I use it as such now in conjunction with Dopus. But at least that's on topic then...
-tomos (March 25, 2008, 03:37 AM)
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offtopic: Now you've got me curious.. I never though it'd be possible to use a note-taking app for file managing.. i'll read that post :P
I've avoided the SQL Notes post because it's just tooooooo long. I suppose I should have a read now though.
I've avoided the SQL Notes post because it's just tooooooo long. I suppose I should have a read now though.
-Renegade (March 25, 2008, 08:20 AM)
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Yes it is discouragingly loooong.
SpoilerI'll summarize the major posts and publish it on the wikispace with the rest of the documentation
Unfortunately, I'm having trouble figuring out how SQLNotes can be used to solve this problem...
Maybe someone can chime in with some ideas?
-mwb1100 (March 24, 2008, 06:25 PM)
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