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News and Reviews > Mini-Reviews by Members

Visual CD is pretty incredible catalogue software

<< < (2/5) > >>

I won't be reviewing Visual CD I'm sad to say...

This program keeps causing my machine to hard boot. I'm not touching it again....

VisualCD does not work on my PC either. I posted  a note about my problem in the forum (now dead?) and never got a response...
For basic CD cataloging I use Cathy.


Cathy is one of the freeware cataloging tools i was trying to remember the name of:

(runs without install for those of you who care about such things).

Great review Zaine. I'll take another nibble off the fruit of the tree of knowledge hosted here at DonationCoder.  Hopefully it'll make a good apple pie for my readers.  ;)

With your permission:
I will publish this weekend.


what do you think about adding to these dc-based reviews a nice prominent link to the forum post here discussing the review, from the wiki and any newsletter which might contain the review?

so maybe below one of the author lines or at the bottom or top of review, someplace where readers won't miss, something like this:

"Read the full review and join in an extended discussion of this program at the <a> forum</a>. "

or (has the advantage of making clear they are traveling to an explicit discussion of the program):

"For the full review and to read dissenting views on this program, see <a>this thread</a> on the forum."

i think it would be very useful for people to be able to take part in the discussion if they are interested in the program.


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