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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

Tudumo discounted till March 20

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try todolist

TuDuMo is simple and pretty, but very very limited.

ToDoList2 is massively powerful. Slightly brutal appearance, but very efficient to use and you can choose how much or how little to have on screen. A really great program. Really responsive developer. And free.

TuDuMo is simple and pretty, but very very limited.
-Dormouse (March 15, 2008, 05:56 PM)
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Yeah, its purpose -- it's an application with a single purpose. That was the appeal. I already have massively powerful :P

ToDoList2 is massively powerful. Slightly brutal appearance, but very efficient to use and you can choose how much or how little to have on screen. A really great program. Really responsive developer. And free.
-Dormouse (March 15, 2008, 05:56 PM)
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would you have a link for that - couldnt find homepage myself - or do you mean the ToDoList kartal links to?

Pretty sure it's the one linked to previously.


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