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Haiku Poetry Messages for Microsoft Errors
They are rather fabulous, aren't they?
What stuns me is how they are both SPOT ON accurate and yet, just as haiku should be, so... peaceful.
Darwin sits back contentedly, having baited the trap, and waits for Ralf to take it!
EDIT: corrected spelling...
Nice. I should have read further down the google results page... here's one of those urban legend busting type websites take on this:
It links here: which lists 30+ haiku and the author's name for each. Funny, I don't find the two winners nearly as clever as many of the runners up!
Ian Hughes wrote your favourite, Tom! It's the last on the list... The piece was dated Feb. 10, 1998.
thought they was too poetic for ms
doesnt stop them from being -
just as haiku should be, so... peaceful.
-Darwin (February 29, 2008, 12:32 PM)
--- End quote ---
They seem to have been entries for a Salon challenge in February 1998. (I Googled "disappeared. Screen. Mind. Both")
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