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I downloaded the non VL version of Windows XP SP3 and I was able to successfully activate windows. So it all works.-Deozaan (May 16, 2008, 10:18 PM)
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I also downloaded the non-VL version from here, but now I can't activate it.
How did you do it? Did it accept your product key during the installation? Mine didn't, I tried again right after installing and it still doesn't, not even by phone.

I also downloaded the non-VL version from here, but now I can't activate it.
How did you do it? Did it accept your product key during the installation? Mine didn't, I tried again right after installing and it still doesn't, not even by phone.
-Cynic (May 19, 2008, 12:19 PM)
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Yeah during installation it asked for the key and accepted it. Then when I got the wifi drivers installed I activated it via the internet.

Make sure you're downloading the right version for your key. XP Pro vs. XP Home.

This discussion about activating the Volume License (VL) version of WinXP is a little confusing - the VL version of XP does not need to be activated.  The installer gets the key, and that's it - there's no communication with Microsoft.  If the key is valid, the installation is 'activated'.

Microsoft does however blacklist VL keys that it finds have gotten out into the wild.  That blacklisting can occur in a service pack update or via the infamous "Genuine Advantage" check.

There may be some confusion regarding non-VL WinXP keys that you get from MSDN - those keys allow you activate something like 10 times, so they may seem like they're VL keys because they allow for multiple activations.

Note that the volume licensing mechanism for Vista is completely different and requires that a site have infrastructure (ie., a validation service) to support the licensing scheme.

My original Windows is XP Pro SP2 OEM. I downloaded the Pro Retail version since I only had two options and none of them was OEM.

Worse still, the problem I described here regarding the Quick Launch bar and the folder windows not remembering their settings is back. And I haven't used system restore this time, so that's not the culprit.

Has anyone else experienced this before?


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