I am on the prowl for a good bartenders guide or mixed drink book/software program (one with search capability). As of late, I have become more and more attracted to making mixed drinks with various liquors and liqueors.
Any help is appreciated.
One attractive online resource is
Esquire Magazine's online drink recipe collection. I'll chime in with oldfart here and say the less "crazy" you get with your drinks, the more your body and head will thank you. My favorites these days are (good) tequila straight, Manhattans, and Old Fashioneds (I'm a big rye and bourbon fan, if you couldn't tell...and have quite a few reviews of such, along with various tequilas, on
my blog.)
Having said all that, the rules are different if you're in Vegas Mode -- where you're drinking fairly steadily over a long period of time, without being able to control liquor brands. In Vegas, I drink tequila and grapefruit juice (delicious, does a yeoman job of hiding bottom-shelf harshness, and keeps the blood sugar up) with the occasional Bloody Maria (for fiber-y goodness and olives

). Probably shortened my life a couple years thanks to Outraged Liver, but there you have it
