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Bluescreens and then reboots too quickly for me to read what it says
i was being sarcastic.
And I was just using a potential opportunity to get a hit in on you!
Bluescreens and then reboots too quickly for me to read what it says
You can fool around for hours trying to change the autorestart on error flag in the registry or....
you can simple record the screens during boot with your digital camera using the movie option. Be sure to record a few seconds past the blue screen flash. then upload to another pc and scroll thru the frames until you get to the blue screen.
Damn mouser. Search your own forum first. I'm pretty sure I have answered that question already. :P
Bluescreens and then reboots too quickly for me to read what it says
You can fool around for hours trying to change the autorestart on error flag in the registry or....
you can simple record the screens during boot with your digital camera using the movie option. Be sure to record a few seconds past the blue screen flash. then upload to another pc and scroll thru the frames until you get to the blue screen.
-wauiler (February 22, 2008, 09:14 PM)
--- End quote ---
And you're saying that this is easier than simply turning the autoreboot off? O_o
mouser: do you, by any chance, have an onboard NIC of the Attansic/Atheros brand? I get BSODs whenever I change advanced properties of mine (things like frame size, interrupt moderation, ...) - dunno if it's the chip that's a piece of shite, or the x64 drivers. Other than that, no problems with XP64 here.
Let us know what the BSOD error code is, and whether it mentions a driver name. Also, as TucknDar mentioned, the minidump images contain a lot of useful information as well.
I'm fed up with the onboard NIC because of the BSODs, periodic errors when using a non-1500 frame size (I want gigabit speeds, dammit!), and abysmal performance... so I'm getting a gigabit PCI-e Intel NIC on monday.
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