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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

OK - lets get to know each other... who are you, what do you do, where from?

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May be strange, but sure is convenient.  Take a look at your keyboard starting with the "Z" key.

Farmsteader has cracked it !  Thank you Carol for your message.  I had "investigated" your various sites in the past, and have just done so again.  Our outdoor sports are now limited to the long and adventurous trek from the car door to the adjacent pub or cafe.  Sometimes we have managed as much as 100 yds.

As for coding, well, I have made a slight, hopefully helpful, amendment to my signature using the British Broadcasting Corporation's code which I think is pretty clever (why does the BBC need a code I ask myself ?).  You can see that you have a man of talent here.

Hi, I'm Martin - a student from England, UK.

I spend most of my time programming, mainly Uni assignments but some of my own ideas too.
I've been hanging around in the IRC channel quite a lot lately, and finally decided to get an account today :)

Carol Haynes:
Our outdoor sports are now limited to the long and adventurous trek from the car door to the adjacent pub or cafe.-zxcvbn (January 24, 2007, 05:41 AM)
--- End quote ---

Tell me about it - I don't often get as far as the car door these days!

Welcome martin!


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