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Main Area and Open Discussion > Living Room

OK - lets get to know each other... who are you, what do you do, where from?

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xD thanks mouser (but uh.. what about the other new guy?)
(You don't sleep do you >.> )

but uh.. what about the other new guy?
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A big welcome to Rodney and Tyler too, who i missed from before.  And anyone else in this thread that I may have missed.  :)

xD thanks mouser (but uh.. what about the other new guy?)
(You don't sleep do you >.> )
-Ordstrin (March 05, 2009, 01:49 AM)
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Check out his yearbook quote: "The probability distribution of me being awake at any given hour is uniform"  ;D

A belated welcome to all recent posters as well (Ordstrin, AussieRodney, Debian, and Kamel) - great to have you all here and I hope to see more of you    8)

Ah, we appear to have a cloner among us  ;)

I should have known, having a nick like that!

Ah, we appear to have a cloner among us  ;)

I should have known, having a nick like that!
-ewemoa (March 05, 2009, 07:59 AM)
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