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Send link and/or webpage?
Is it just me or am I missing something? Couldn't you just write a batch file that you have in the right click menu then it just pass the address to the file that opens the page on the remote PC? I mean you already know the machine name and location of the program...
Something like:
Get %URL%
Run //MyPC/Program Files/Firefox/Firefox.exe "%URL%"
Then you add the batch file to the right-click menu. When it is time to use it, just highlight the code, right click and run the program on the other machine.
EDIT - Just noted that this is what NOSH started to suggest before lining it out. Can someone explain why it would be lined out? I could see if you were trying to make it happen on any PC - you need to target it and verify location of software, etc.; but in this case these things are known. Just "hardcode" them into the target. In fact, for windows, most default browsers are defined in the %path% IIRC.
If not with a batch file, I know we could do it with AutoHotKey. In fact, maybe I will look into making it tonight just for practice. Until then, I am off to bed. Rotating midnight shifts are no fun. :mad:
I lined it out coz I realised that the browser, though loaded from the remote machine, would still run on the local machine where the command was issued. :)
The very idea is strange to me; I can not understand why this feature is being wanted. Whenever I am in (similar?) situation I will simply mail the link to my address. My e-mail client is placed in Start, so I will start every session by checking e-mails and their links.
But of course, I you guys really can write such a thingy, it would be cool, I guess.
There isn't a way to send a link that auto opens on another computer.
If there was, it would be used to infect computers.
Someone at the other computer has to open the link, or not.
If you find a way to do it, please let me know so I can also know how to block such a program as intrusive as that.
You could use NetMeeting or MSN Messenger (or some other remote control tool) to achieve something like this
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