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Send link and/or webpage?
CrossLoop is used for accessing remote computers via the Net. it is based on TightVNC and is being promoted as secure enough for tech-support. so this might not send the page to the other PC but you can access it yourself and open the URL there.
here is a DC post about it: CrossLoop – Simple Secure Screen Sharing.
CrossLoop isn't at all the sort of program I need. Simply, I'm on my laptop reading a Wikipedia article in Firefox. I want to read that same article (same URL) in Firefox on my desktop PC. I'd like to press a button on my laptop that opens Firefox (on my desktop) and that URL on my desktop. That's all.
I feel that CrossLoop is too much effort for such a (seemingly) simple task.
Off the top of my head, how about an AHK hotkey that grabs the current URL and fires up the browser on the remote machine (using UNC), passing the URL as an argument? saves it to the remote PC, the remote PC can have another script that looks for this url file, fires up the URL when found & deletes the file.
Edit: It could just pass on the clipboard content, that way the link needn't actually be opened on the machine it's discovered on.
Edit: It could just pass on the clipboard content, that way the link needn't actually be opened on the machine it's discovered on.-nosh (February 10, 2008, 10:50 PM)
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yes, that could work. i've heard of tools that shares clipboard across the network but haven't used them personally. this is one such program: Copycat.
Maybe you could have a text file on the net somewhere. Make a small program to update that file with whatever web page you're on. Left click on the "notification area" icon to open the file's website, right click on it to update the file with the current website. Or, maybe have it run in the background at all times and update the file every minute or so. As long as switching machines takes more than a minute it could work.
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