ATTENTION: You are viewing a page formatted for mobile devices; to view the full web page, click HERE. Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases

Master Download Zip of Every FARR Plugin and Alias - FARR coders please read


Thanks to some help we now have a zip file with all known Find and Run Robot plugins and aliases!

I think this is going to be useful to everyone who uses FARR (and writes plugins for it).
I'll try to keep this updated as new versions are released -- so message me if you are an author and release a new version so i can update it in the master collection:

Download (about 20mb):

So to all FARR coders and alias makers -- please download this and check it.
If you have an alias or plugin that we missed, or any corrections to those included -- please message me (or email me, [email protected]) and i will fix it.

I do not get the idea. Why do we have dc updater? :huh:

dcupdate is of course the thing to use once you have a plugin installed.. but until we have an easier way to install new plugins, this is a great resource.
it's also useful in helping us test stuff.


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