Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
Character Table - closed
Ahaha! Very good idea czechboy !
One little glitch in my case... The whole process of selecting a character etc. works well, but activating farr after using the plugin doesn't work as expected : farr briefly appears and disappears, and to have farr remain there after pressing the usual hotkey (ctrl+space in my case + I have the "highlight search edit text" enabled in the Hotkey configuration window), I have to quickly press back space to eliminate the previous "char" entry ("char ac", for example).
I think i better put html display in FARR window up near the top of my todo list (which is getting pretty long -- as soon as i can i will schedule a few days of work on it but i just have to finish working on another real job first).
Ahaha! Very good idea czechboy !
One little glitch in my case... The whole process of selecting a character etc. works well, but activating farr after using the plugin doesn't work as expected : farr briefly appears and disappears, and to have farr remain there after pressing the usual hotkey (ctrl+space in my case + I have the "highlight search edit text" enabled in the Hotkey configuration window), I have to quickly press back space to eliminate the previous "char" entry ("char ac", for example).
-Armando (February 06, 2008, 12:41 PM)
--- End quote ---
Ok. Here you have new version. It restrains you to type twice the same regex. So it should solve your problem ;)
Thanks czechboy, it works well now. :up:
Is it normal that some characters don't show?
Armando: Yes I have the funny quares too. I think this is the Unicode issue - FARR doesn't fully support Unicode... yet. I am sure Mouser is going to stay up late and fix it though ;)
Czechboy: thanks for the update. I notice that the alias has changed from "char" to "cc". Why "cc" I wonder - surely "ct" for character table? Doesn't really matter I guess :)
A couple of other character ideas... × (multiplication symbol) appears under * but not as a variant of x. Perhaps it should?
Also useful would be...
« Left Double Angle Quotation Mark Alt+0171 U+00AB
» Right Double Angle Quotation Mark Alt+0187 U+00BB
and a tick (check in american) and cross, though I don't think many fonts have these :( and I'm not sure where to categorize them?
✓ u2713
✔ u2714
☑ u2611
✗ u2717
✘ u2718
☒ u2612
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