Software > FARR Plugins and Aliases
todoTXT for dummies?
Hi, I've been trying to figure out this very promising plugin, but am not quite getting it...
when I type in "td" the whole legend page comes up, but that's all that seems to work. If I type in "td ?," nothing happens. Actually I can't get anything (eg. "b, ") to seem to work on it.
Is there a video of it in action somewhere, kind of like the Lifehacker/Gina Tripani (sp?) video of the todo.txt command line version? I think having the system run by FARR would be a much better way to go, but I'm not a programmer at all and can't seem to figure this out.
plugin link:
well I have never used that plugin much:) but I think you have to type & at the end.. if you would like to I can try to rewrite it to "enter"
you can also try this one:
if you would like to I can try to rewrite it to "enter"
-czechboy (September 21, 2008, 04:24 AM)
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Thanks for the offer, but I was just wanting to know how to get it working at all.
Since I posted that though, I've decided to do a similar GTD system using text filenames (autohotkey to open TEDNotepad (RE) set to suggest first line as filename, and allows linkable URLs) as my entries with tags for projects and contexts etc, (e.g. "`gr" for groceries, "`pr" for project etc) and then manage it all either with FARR searches on the fly, or using UltraExplorer which has filters that you can quickly check and uncheck. With Mobsync for PPC syncing and Syncplicity for multiple computers, and Tombo notes for ppc file viewing it all works out great.
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