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Updated: Maxthon 2.0.8 FINAL supports IE/COM plugins

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It is very easy to make Firefox jump to half a giga, in fact when I read your post my Firefox was taking up 520 MB. But I use to minimize it once in a while, just long enough for it to free some memory, because in general I think it uses exactly the same as the others.

Homepage + this thread, only:

Updated: Maxthon 2.0.8 FINAL supports IE/COM plugins

Supposedly v3 will take care of many memory leaks

o_O, but they are only two tabs!

o_O, but they are only two tabs!
-Lashiec (May 18, 2008, 01:17 PM)
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what do you mean ?  :)

It is very easy to make Firefox jump to half a giga, in fact when I read your post my Firefox was taking up 520 MB. But I use to minimize it once in a while, just long enough for it to free some memory, because in general I think it uses exactly the same as the others.

Homepage + this thread, only:
 (see attachment in previous post)

-Curt (May 18, 2008, 01:01 PM)
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Are you looking at virtual size ?  Because from what I see, commit charge is lower for maxthon. Albeit not THAT much for maxthon 2 -- still, lower.


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