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DONE: MiniMe (aka MaxiMe)
I needed this quickly so whipped up this AHK script to quickly minimize or maximize windows using right shift and control. I got really frustrated with the fact there is no windows shortcut to minimize the active window. If you're like me and have many window open then consider using minimIZE to minimize windows to a small desktop thumbnail (and out of your taskbar). In combination with that, this script can make windows management a lot less painlessful.
MiniMe - latest version 4 - February 1, 2008
minimize the current window when pressing right shift twice quickly. maximize the current window when pressing right control twice quickly
v4 - permanently fixed key hold issue
v3 - added jgpaiva's key repeat fix
v2 - changed hotkeys to avoid sending keys
--- ---; minimize the current window when pressing right control twice quickly
; maximize the current window when pressing right shift twice quickly
SendMode Input
Delay = 250
~RControl up::
If (A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < Delay)
WinMinimize, A
~RShift up::
If (A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey and A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < Delay)
WinMaximize, A
Very interesting idea, justice!!
I never though of using this kind of repetitive hotkeys to make shortcuts.
I prefer my win+x to maximize/restore windows, though, essencially because with the scheme you chose, pgup/pgdown gets sent to the current window.
I think i'll adapt your script to work with right shift for myself :)
Ah actually I'm sure I can prevent the keys to be sent to the current window ... opening helpfile..
Yeah you can but then I have to send pagedown/up afterwards which proved a hassle,
so I changed the hotkeys as follows:
2x right control = minimize
2x right shift = maximize
You can, justice.. But that'd mean you'd have to add a delay to the regular use of pageup/down (because during that time, you'd have to be waiting for the next press of pgdown), thus, the solution is really worse than the problem ;)
Ok, i just found a small bug. If you keep the key pressed, the keyboard auto-repeat will activate the maximize function. Not good, specially when use shift as hotkey!
jgpaiva opens ahk's help file :P
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