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WikidPad - an IDE for your thoughts

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Perry Mowbray:
Have to say this was a great tip, I'm still using WikidPad to access shared information between work and home via Jungledisk (amazon s3) and it never fails to deliver.
-justice (April 01, 2008, 12:45 PM)
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That's good to hear. I generally run mine off a USB between home and work.

One thing that I have not quite figured out is that when something pops into my head that I want to catch WikidPad invariably is not yet running, so starting, finding a spot etc takes a bit too long. I know I should have it running anyway really  :-[

What I think I want is something in the tray that can capture my thought quickly, run the programme if needed and then stick it into the Scratch Pad for later? I'll probably have a fiddle with AutoIT...

Use farr to launch wikidpad if you can this launches fastest.
Add your current start page as a new tab.
Change the first tab to scratchpad
Close down wikidpad

Now whenever you open it theoretically it should open on the scratch pad tab. Unfortunately it's not possible AFAIK to "pin/lock" a tab to stop it from changing page.

Maybe with a small autohotkey script an input box could pop up where you can write something in and copy it directly to clipboard, then you can start wikidpad afterwards and paste it in. see below

Ok let me tip you

I made this simple ahk script. It works great for me. Just modify the capitals for your files. This will activate wikipad if it has been opened if not it will open and activate it for you. It is using "win+w" combination. Make sure that shortcut is not conflicting with other softwares.

Second, I do not use scratch pad at all. I have daily record wikipage I use to put random bits, I use dated headline and type. If the info is more then a line I use a page. In that sense I use ctrl+o shortcut. If there is similar Wikipad will bring it if not it will create a new page. It works blazing fast for me.

Also I use launchy to launch notepad with a file pointing to my wikipad file that would create new file with with a title I give in launchy command window. But that requires to rebuild the database inside Wiki constantly, since it wont detect the file.






Have to say this was a great tip, I'm still using WikidPad to access shared information between work and home via Jungledisk (amazon s3) and it never fails to deliver.
-justice (April 01, 2008, 12:45 PM)
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That's good to hear. I generally run mine off a USB between home and work.

One thing that I have not quite figured out is that when something pops into my head that I want to catch WikidPad invariably is not yet running, so starting, finding a spot etc takes a bit too long. I know I should have it running anyway really  :-[

What I think I want is something in the tray that can capture my thought quickly, run the programme if needed and then stick it into the Scratch Pad for later? I'll probably have a fiddle with AutoIT...
-Perry Mowbray (April 02, 2008, 08:37 AM)
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That was easier than i thought. Find enclosed WikidJotter
Press the hotkey (win-j) and it will ask for your idea, then copy it to clipboard and run wikidpad
Source included if you want to change hotkey, adjust path to wikidpad or run something else or whatever.
Comes under the WTFPL (

v2 activates wikidpad if it's open it instead of launching a new copy

--- Code: Autohotkey ---; WikidJotSetTitleMatchMode, 2#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.#SingleInstance,Force #j::  ; Win+j hotkeyGui, Add, Text,, Enter note:Gui, Add, Edit, r9 w400 vClipGui, Add, Button,gButtonOK, &Copy to Clipboard  ; The label ButtonOK (if it exists) will be run when the button is pressed.Gui, Show,, ClipJotterreturn  ; End of auto-execute section. The script is idle until the user does something.return ButtonOK:Gui, Submit  ; Save the input from the user to each control's associated variable.clipboard = %Clip%  ; Append some text to the clipboard. ; run wikidpad or switch to itIfWinNotExist, - WikidPad {        Run, %A_ProgramFiles%\Wikidpad\Wikidpad.exe   ; comment this line if you dont want wikidpadto run        WinWait, - WikidPad, , 5}WinActivate, - WikidPadGuiClose:Gui,Destroy

Also in the latest beta you can copy any topic`s url to clipboard which then you can use it to launch that particular page from farr, launcy or explorer.


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